What to Expect
We realize it can be intimidating to visit a church for the first time. That’s why we’ve created this content: to give you a sense of what to expect and how to prepare. We think you'll quickly discover why we say often that we are after one thing; "life with Jesus". We are a multi-generational community of all ages, and a place to take a next step wherever you are in your spiritual journey. We are a family church, discovering together, the ultimate joy that comes from fellowship with God, with the family of faith, knowing that it’s ok to not have it all figured out.
Victory of the King
As we look to close our series in Luke, we will be in the story of Jesus’ resurrection. This is the moment we have all been waiting for as we have traveled through Luke’s recounting of Jesus’ life and ministry. We have seen our King care for many who are sick and hurting. He has graciously taught the disciples to trust in Him, and learn to be like Him. And as we turn the corner, we see Jesus model His love for us. He takes upon Himself the sin of the world so that we might have life in Him.
Triumphal Entry, March 24 - 9am & 10:30am
Palm Sunday, otherwise known as the triumphal entry, is the time when we reflect on Jesus riding in on a donkey, being hailed as King. On this Sunday we will be in Luke 22:63-71, though lacking in celebration, we see Jesus making known His kingship to all those who are present.
Hillcrest KIDS offered at both services
Maundy Thursday, March 28
Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday is the day that commemorates the washing of the feet and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles. We encourage you to get together with your Life Group, or your family, and spend an evening together going through the flow we think best represents what the apostles experienced.
Feast together
Share stories
Read Luke 22, or 23 to end your time
During the flow of your evening, we encourage you to considering doing the following:
• Have a big meal with music and celebration, or maybe even try the Seder dinner
• Share what God has done over the past couple of years in your life
• Take communion
• Wash one another’s feet
• Have a moment of silence in the reality of Jesus’ betrayal and trial, letting the evening end heavy such as the night Jesus was betrayed
Good Friday, March 29 - 5pm & 6:30pm
Good Friday is a time where we reflect on Christ’s death. It is a time where we sit in and see the cost of our sin, truly gripping with the reality of the Holy Lamb that was slain, paying for our sin. Jesus offered Himself up on the cross for the sake of redeeming the (C)hurch. We hope that you will practice reflecting this with us all day. Consider practicing fasting, silence, or solitude as a way to reflect with more than just your mind, but also your body and soul.
Hillcrest KIDS offered at 5pm
Easter Sunday, 8am, 9:30am, & 11am
Join us as we celebrate Easter together! We are made new, and are filled with a joy, a happiness that does not waiver or fail. Jesus has come, and bridged this gap between our sin and the Holy Father. We now get to hear the words spoken to the women at Jesus’ tomb, “Why do you look for the living among the dead?” spoken to us this Sunday.
Childcare offered for nursery to preschool ages during all services