Women’s Ministry

Women, whatever your stage in life, you’re sure to meet someone who is walking a similar path.

We grow together in community – building friendships, holding each other accountable, challenging one another, and having lots of fun – with God’s Word as the foundation for all we do.

QUESTIONS? Email Jen Schmitt, Women’s Ministry Leader

Women’s Upcoming Events

Frosty Sweets & Puzzle Feats - Dec 12

Ladies! Let's combine a cozy night in with a bunch of friends! The Women's Ministry Team is hosting Frosty Treats and Puzzle Feats on Dec 12, 6:30-8pm. Join your friends or bring some new ones along as we connect over puzzle pieces and cookie creations! Please sign up for this free night of fun by Dec 8, so the team can plan for you.

When? Dec 12, 6:30pm

Cost? FREE

Deadline? Dec 8

Questions? Contact our Women’s Coordinator

MOPS (The MomCo) - Sep 11

MOPS (also known as The MomCo) encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus and in partnership with the local church. If you are a mom of a baby or preschooler, we invite you to join us this year as we encourage one another twice a month on Wednesday mornings! Drop off your kids with our amazing volunteers, eat yummy breakfast, listen to a speaker, and discuss in a small group. Let's build community together! 9am-11!

Where? Hillcrest

When? Starts Sep 11, 9am

Cost? $80 for the year

Questions? Contact our Women’s Coordinator

Women’s Bible Study

(Starting in October)

Fall Bible Study - Jonah

Interruptions. They're aggravating. Sometimes infuriating. But how we handle interruptions actually tells us more about ourselves. What do we do when God interrupts our lives? Many times, like Jonah, we run!

In this 7-session Bible study, Priscilla Shirer redefines interruption and shows that interruption is actually God's invitation to do something beyond our wildest dreams. When Jonah was willing to allow God to interrupt his life, the result was revival in an entire city.

Where? Hillcrest

When? Monday’s at 6:30pm-8pm, and Tuesday’s 9am-10:30am

Fall Precepts Bible Study - Jeremiah Part 1

Women, are you interested in learning how to annotate your Bible readings using the Kay Arthur method? This may be just what you are looking for! Join this Thursday evening Bible study as we dig deep into Jeremiah!

Where? Hillcrest

When? Thursday’s at 6:30pm