JOY Connect for Older Adults
J.O.Y. Connect stands for "Just Older Youth” and is for anyone who considers themselves a bit older these days. From new empty nesters to seasoned citizens, we all gather to share life together— following Jesus, building community and watching for where God is leading us to make a difference in the lives around us.
We meet together in the Lower Lobby of Hillcrest Bible Church every Tuesday at 12pm for a brown bag lunch and Bible study. Prepared scripture sheets are provided.
Tuesdays @ 12pm - JOY Brown Bag Lunch
We also meet every Saturday at 9:30am for coffee and a time of sharing, caring and Scripture. Location varies so please contact Fred Anderson for details.
Saturdays @ 9:30am - Saturday Gathering
Join us on occasion, for an additional time of fellowship with potluck or catered lunch after the second service in the Lower Lobby of Hillcrest.
Add Me To The List!
Are you an older adult and would like to be added to the email list for events happening with JOY Connect? Fill out the form below. We look forward to meeting you!
Questions? Contact Fred Anderson, JOY Connect Leader