5 - 12 GRADE

Hillcrest Students is all about awakening students to experience a joy-filled life in Jesus! We accomplish this through providing many opportunities for students to be invited into community, awakened through the Word of God, deepened in their knowledge of Jesus, and deployed back out into their homes, schools, and world.

Jr. Students

Our 5th-6th grade students meet Sundays of the school year in the cafe of the Activity Center at 10:30am!

Check out Sunday Funday. Jr. Students will not be meeting in the morning on those dates as Sunday Funday will replace it.

HSM (Hillcrest Student Ministry)

Our 7th-12th grade students meet each Wednesday during the school year in the Activity Center (7th-8th) + Main Building (9th-12th) from 6PM - 8PM! During this time, we play games, eat snacks, hear a message from God’s Word, and then end our night with small groups.

Email Tyler for more details!

Upcoming Junior Students (5 - 6 Grade) Events

Sunday Funday Mario Kart Tournament - Jan. 19th

WAHHOOOOOOO! It's Mario Kart! 5th-6th Graders! Come dressed as your favorite character and compete in a Mario Kart Tournament for all the bragging rights. Prizes will be provided for the top-three competitors and for the best costume! Bring friends to join in the Mario Kart Madness!

Where? Hillcrest

When? Jan. 19th, 6pm to 8pm

Cost? $10

Deadline? Jan. 18th

Sunday Funday GLOW Dodgeball - Feb. 2nd

FEEL THE GLOW! What sounds like more fun than dance lights, black lights, glow in the dark dodgeball balls, and INTENSE games of dodgeball? Nothing is the correct answer. Come all 5th-6th grade students for a night of GLOW Dodgeball, wear bright florescent colors, and bring a friend!

Where? Hillcrest

When? Feb. 2nd, 6pm to 8pm

Cost? $10

Deadline? Feb. 1st

Sunday Funday GeeksMania - Mar. 9th

Let’s kick it OLD SCHOOL! 5th-6th grade students AND familes are welcome to join us up at GeeksMania for a night of skeeball, old school arcade games, Dance Dance Revolution, and pinball! Dinner will be provided in a party room for all. Invite friends to join!

Where? GeeksMania Arcade (6502 Odana Rd. Madison, WI)

When? Mar. 9th, 6pm to 8pm

Cost? $10

Deadline? Mar. 7th

Upcoming HSM (7 - 12 Grade) Events

HSM Dodgeball Tournament - Feb. 5th

ARE YOU READY!? Students. It is the battle of all battles. A dodgeball tournament for our 7th-12th grade students and friends! We will have food and then dodgeball MADNESS in our Gym. Teams of six will compete in a single-elimination style tournament for bragging rights and a championship T-SHIRT! Invite friends!

Where? Hillcrest

When? Feb. 5th, 6pm to 8pm

Cost? FREE

HSM Worship + Prayer Night - Mar. 5th

It is a night dedicated to Worship + Prayer! This will be a night where we will meet in three different home groups for a serious night of worshipping with song and having an intentional time of prayer.

Where? Home Groups throughout area!

When? Mar. 5th, 6pm to 8pm

Cost? FREE


Our Student Ministries Pastor, Tyler Schonrock, would love to answer any questions you may have regarding Hillcrest Students programming. Please feel free to contact him.

TYLER SCHONROCK | Hillcrest Students Pastor

JR. STUDENTS (5th - 6th Grade) | Sun | 10:30-11:45am

HSM (7th - 12th Grade) | Weds | 6-8pm