Our Sunday service times are 9am and 10:30am

February 16 - 9am

February 16 - 10:30am

Title: God’s Vision, Our Mission

Scripture: Nehemiah 2:9-3:32

Big Idea: After more reflection, inspection, and opposition, Nehemiah finally revealed his story of God’s faithfulness to His people, inspiring them to respond in faithfulness to God. They understood they were not just rebuilding a wall.

  • God answered Nehemiah’s prayer and provided the God-sized vision, plan, and resources to make it possible.

  • Nehemiah proclaimed God’s faithfulness and invited others to join him.

  • God moved the hearts and hands of the peoplle to rebuild the wall and strengthen their faith.

Sermon Slides

February 9


Title: Becoming People Who Pray and Act

Scripture: Nehemiah 2:1-8

Big Idea: Nehemiah courageously approaches the king, at risk of status and livelihood, BUT GOD moves through Artaxerxes. Despite the king’s own selfish motives, GOD’s purposes are accomplished for His own glory!

  • Nehemiah exercises the practice of learning to wait.

  • Nehemiah’s prayer and passion meet a moment, and he takes a risk.

  • God moves and opens doors through people we least expect.

Sermon Slides