Life of a Disciple
We are all in process. Where do you find yourself in your LIFE as a disciple and your apprenticeship of following Jesus?
How do we define a disciple at Hillcrest Bible Church?
A disciple is someone who has discovered that there is more Joy in Jesus than anything else. They have been convicted of sin and responded to the invitation to repent from sin and begin seeing life is all about Joy in Jesus. They follow the way of Jesus. Disciples have found life with Jesus and cannot help but overflow and pursue Ongoing Spiritual Transformation which gets expressed in three types of relationships:
Following Jesus
A disciple is in awe of who God is, hungry to be satisfied by an ever-deepening relationship with their Savior. They are desperate and dependent to experience and worship God in all aspects of life, having discovered that there is more Joy in Jesus than anything else. A disciple is aware that they have competing affections that lead them to find more joy in other things in life (relationships, material stuff, money, sex and vocation) than those things can ultimately offer. They relentlessly desire to clear their heart of anything that is not Jesus as they grow in their trusting and treasuring of Him. The primary way this pursuit gets expressed is a growing passion to be biblically-saturated and hear from and experience Jesus as a first-hander of the biblical text. A disciple prays this shapes their daily life and decisions, helping them become increasingly culturally discerning.
Building Community
The life of faith was not meant to be lived alone. Disciples have life-changing relationships with other believers. Discipleship takes place in the context of a multi-generational family. Disciples are convinced that God uses relationships as a critical means of seeing him more clearly and stimulating spiritual life. This is why they seek out intentional apprenticeship, characterized by an awareness that God is at work, everyone has a role to play, and all are welcome to fight for their joy together. Disciples consciously, or unconsciously, understand the significance of seeing faith modeled and lived out in others. This journey of ongoing spiritual transformation is a team sport. We no longer fight sin alone, we fight for our joy, and others’ joy, together.
Seek Transformation
Disciples engage in generous relationships with those that have yet to treasure Jesus. A disciple actively pursues their own inner transformation, that then overflows into the lives of those that have yet to believe. They are sent as everyday missionaries in their homes, neighborhoods, and world to seek transformation and be visible expressions of the hope of the gospel. They cultivate genuine friendships and model their life with Jesus in how they work and play. They seek transformation from the inside out by praying for the yet-to-believe people in their lives, watching for opportunities to express their hope, and stepping into the opportunities by God’s invitation. Why? Because they are convinced life is short, hell is real, and that God uses them, as broken and flawed people, as his conduits of grace to help a lost world find life with Jesus, one life at a time.
Spend Time Reflecting
Wherever you find yourself, we encourage you to use this Field Guide as a tool. A way Picture, a Mirror, or a Window. We have no idea what personality type Jesus was, but we know what we have been called to as His disciples. So let us begin the journey together, deeper into what the Lord would have for us as His people.