Luke Series

What a journey we have been on together! For two years we have been in the book of Luke, studying the movements of Jesus. Below, you should be able to find all the resources we have given over the past few years.

Summer of 2022 we learned about King Jesus forming a people to His rule and Reign. In an effort to know more about WHO this King is, we have jumped into Luke’s record of Jesus.

Luke writes at the beginning of his account speaking to the certainty Theophilus can have in the things he has heard and has been taught. Though the Bible is not written to us, it is written for us, a truth that is now our bedrock of a joy–filled and inspired life.

We have noticed five significant movements within Luke’s record of Jesus. Luke begins his account–

In the Entrance of the King, we looked more closely at our Savior’s entrance, and thus were challenged to have an Everyday Meeting with the King, just as He made an effort to meet with us.

In The Teachings of the King, where we are looking at Luke’s record of Jesus’ teachings. Jesus has begun His ministry and we as His people want to spend time Everyday, listening to Him and

In The Journey of the King, Luke tells us that “Jesus set His face towards Jerusalem.” From here, we will get to journey with the King to Jerusalem

In The Victory of the King, Luke captures the most significant moment in eternity, where our King becomes victorious. Yet not without a cost.

In The Reign of the King, Luke shows us that Jesus is all about establishing His kingdom here on Earth. And that His heart is to deploy us to share this good news with all who would hear.