We believe we are to be PLANTED as a HUB for Gospel proclamation

to PLANT seeds of faith to the lost, to equip the saints

and to PLANT more joy-filled, biblically saturated, multi-generational communities of faithful disciples.

"As Jesus says in John 7, as rivers of living water flow from within us and more thirsty souls are satisfied in Jesus, we do not want to fill a reservoir, rather see these waters overflow and saturate neighborhoods and communities. Hillcrest has always been a SENDING STATION for Gospel proclamation. And we believe God is calling us now to continue being a SENDING STATION. He is calling us to reach the lost, equip the saints, and plant more joy-filled, biblically saturated, multi-generational communities of faithful disciples. " - David Bartosik

Want to see additional content? We collected all the resources presented at our Planted Initiative Events and posted them HERE

Our Primary Goal?

We long for 100% engagement from all who call Hillcrest home. We want to continue allocating our Time, Treasure and Talent to the mission and work of Jesus through Hillcrest.

Our Secondary Goal?

To raise 5 Million over the next two years, implementing this Planted Initiative. This would come from the overflow of two year budgeted expenses.

1. Living Water


Continue to fund all the things God is doing through Hillcrest with our normal operating budget

Our Secondary Goal

2. Scattering Seeds


Develop our location and provide a cohesive campus for our people, starting with expanding our parking lot and creating a KIDS wing.

4. Multiplying Communities


We are buying land in order to become a heathy HUB with a cohesive campus so that some day in the future we can create a network of Gospel-centered, biblically saturated churches. This expense has already been budgeted.

3. Producing Fruit


Hire a pastoral resident to facilitate discipleship and equip the next generation of pastors.


We are collecting and telling stories of those who have been impacted by Hillcrest over the year. Come back regularly to hear more stories of God’s faithfulness.

Upcoming Events

  • If you did not get a chance to come to the very first event (Jan 26th), no worries! This event is for you! You can find more info, and register for this event HERE

  • If you did not get a chance to come to the very first event (Jan 26th), no worries! This event is for you! You can find more info, and register for this event HERE

  • If you did not get a chance to come to the very first event (Jan 26th), no worries! This event is for you! You can find more info, and register for this event HERE

  • After you have attended one of our “Vision Partners” events, we encourage you to join us for Family Style Gathering where we will revisit some detail and get excited about what the Lord has for us in the coming months!

  • Join us this evening to pray for the Lord’s direction. The coming Sunday (April 6) is Commitment Sunday. We are wanting to commit an evening for prayer and worshipping as a family, asking the Lord to move. More info to come!

  • This Sunday we are excited to begin the process of moving forward, trusting that this is what the Lord would have for us in this season. More info to come!

So that we can have the greatest impact on the next generation’s pastors, ministry leaders, missionaries, coworkers, and neighbors. We desire to be planted here in Oregon, and we want to be a SENDING STATION for gospel proclamation

Proposed Campus Plan

Potential Future Campus Plan

So join us in prayer!

We long for 100% engagement from all those who call themselves Everyday Missionaries carrying the certainty of Christ. Help us pray with desperate dependence, joyfully stepping into whatever God has for us.

We are not unaware that it will take raised funds for whatever next step God is asking of us. We are convinced that this is a big endeavor that requires God’s continued story of grace be written at Hillcrest and we believe will profoundly impact us, as well as our kids, grandkids, community, region, and world. If the Lord is stirring in your heart to give above and beyond your normal generosity, we invite you to give to this mission and work that the Lord is doing here through Hillcrest.

Got a question?

We have been compiling a bunch of questions and answered them to the best of our ability at this time. If you do not see your question posted, feel free to email David our lead pastor HERE

  • This is a complex process involving many moving parts and entities (township, village, county, etc.). Anything can happen. If we lose the land, it won’t change the goal or the vision but it may change the timeline or scope. We have thought through contingency plans to that end. We may need to delay. We may need to reconfigure. The vision remains the same.

  • We are considering many possibilities. Our campus team has developed a cohesive master campus plan on our current campus that puts our primary ministry functions under one roof, including a future auditorium addition. We believe this is the most cost-effective plan that works best for our long-term vision to be a Sending Station. We will move forward at the appropriate time. We hold it open handed always and continue to build this vision into our budget as we Pray, Watch, & Step when and where the Lord leads.

    At Hillcrest, we believe that the choice to give or invest in anything comes as a natural, joyous outpouring of what matters to us. Your investment not TO but THROUGH Hillcrest should be the same - a natural, joyous outpouring of celebrating what God has done, is doing, and will do in our lives and a heart to join in the mission of people helping people find life with Jesus, one life at a time.  

    We are incredibly thankful for your investment through Hillcrest and the gospel and because of you, Hillcrest continues to impact lives within our church family, throughout our local and regional areas, and with our All Nations partners around the world. 

  • No. What you currently see is conceptual design (large spaces in the right places) which does include the longer-term parking needs.  There is much more work to do before final design and construction documents will be completed. The Campus Team will engage the designers and contractors in a Value Engineering process to assure the church is getting the highest value possible. This could result in phasing additional portions of the project, such as developing only a portion of the parking area in Phase-1. 

  • We will continue to move toward the same vision of becoming a Sending Station but timing and scope may adjust.

  • The congregation voted in 2021 to approve funds to purchase the adjacent land if it came available. Planted commitments will be made on April 6, Per Hillcrest constitution, there will be a congregational vote on May 4th at the annual meeting to spend the funds as designated to affirm plans to build. Commitments will start that same day, May 4th.

  • Dirt could possibly move as soon as late spring for things like relocating the septic system, water retention, etc. However, the exact timing is uncertain as there are permissions and permits that will take time including working with the town of Dunn, village of Oregon, county, and state. We are poised to move forward as the logistical/legal barriers are removed.

  • We have short-term solutions on the table for Sunday morning and other ministries that could be executed when the time comes. We will continue to evaluate in real-time what the best solutions will be.

  • No, our master plan includes seating for 400 people. This is small enough to maintain a family church atmosphere, but large enough to send 50 or 100 people with a resident/pastor to plant another church in a neighboring community. We are a church committed to Gospel proclamation, reaching the lost, equipping the saints, and planting joy-filled, biblically saturated, multi-generational communities of faithful disciples. Simultaneously, WE are each being sent out as everyday missionaries in our homes, neighborhoods, and world to help others find life with Jesus. 

  • We have a team of elders, architects and engineers that are all a part of helping us design a building that aligns with our values.

    •Dan Hale - elder candidate, architect

    •Neil Gammon – elder, electrical engineer 

    •Dirk Karasek - civil engineer

    •Jeff Reif - structural engineer. Hillcrest AC construction

    •Paul Morrison – elder, finance team, farm background, engineer, institutional knowledge

    •Renae Sherven – Director of Ops, institutional knowledge

    •Nathan Hansen -  critical power and cooling industry

    •Matt Doyle – exterior and general construction

    •David Bartosik – lead pastor, elder

    •Larry Alm – elder

    •Brian Stafeil – elder

    •Jim Wille – elder candidate

  • We do not get excited about giving to a building, or even a piece of land. We hope that what you have heard and seen in all our communications is that we desire for you to give to a vision. We are sold out for more lives that are eager to follow Jesus. With this in mind, we have made a Commitment Card available for you to use as a tool as you pray and consider giving.